Wednesday, July 3, 2013

And this season comes to a close

Oh Canada, our home and native land...

I'm back home (well, in Calgary at my sister's, which is close enough), after two plane rides, it feels good to sleep in an awesome bed! It's hard to believe that I'm here though, and that I don't know when the next time is that I'll be going back in Costa Rica. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to leave my "family" that I've been with for almost one year. You build such strong friendships in YWAM, and you build them quickly because you all live, eat, and breathe in the same space! I'm missing it already...

I should write a bit about what went on the last couple of weeks though, just to close this time. The second last week of class was awesome because it was recording week! Each of us got to pick one song that we'd written for "Song Cafe", and record it at the recording studio of Ale Fernandez. He's a good friend of a couple of the guys at YWAM San Jose, and he was excited to do it for us. It was a really unique experience, quite tiring, but fun too! I have a new respect for sound engineers, because once a song is recorded their hard work begins. Sometimes they can spend days on a 30-second block of a song just to try and get it perfect. It takes incredible patience and expertise. So, in the end, he put all of our songs on a c.d. for us (seven songs in total) and two of my classmates who went on outreach sold the c.d.'s as support. They all turned out awesome :).

The final week of class was an amazing one because we had the opportunity to have Kenny Peavy from California with us. Kenny is seriously what I'd call a Christ follower. He speaks through the Holy Spirit, and never has notes when he talks. It's amazing and difficult at the same time because everything he says is important, so I decided to record our classes so I can listen to them later. He spoke about the Kingdom of God, and did some inner healing, and just general talk. I'm still processing what I learned with him, but it was amazing. He lead worship on our graduation night and it was INSANE! He calls everybody to be free of the fear of man and to just worship the way God calls us to. It was incredible to see everybody literally in God's presence and just worshiping the way God made us to. We also had some inner healing the last day, which was breaking lies that the enemy speaks over us. Whether that be family curses, past hurts (etc.), we need to get rid of it all in order to keep walking in faith with God. I could write a whole blog about the week with Kenny, but I won't bore you. If you want to know some cool stories, let me know!

We also had our last song cafe on Wednesday of the last week which went well. My song was based off of Ecclesiastes 3, which talks about seasons. God brought that passage to me in DTS, and then brought it back again the last week of class. It was awesome to hear everybody play for the last time.

SOW Grad night!

The last few days of my time in San Jose were just spent hanging out with people, eating, and chatting. It's been an incredible season, and I can't wait to go back (whenever that may be!). Still praying about this upcoming year and what it holds for me...thank you to everybody who supported me during this time, I'm so grateful every day that God called me there. Because now, I'm in it for life with Him.

-Revelation 19: 7-9

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