So it’s been a little awhile, and I’m behind… however, my lovely sister encouraged me to write another post so I’ll do my
best to not miss anything important. We're nearing the end of lecture phase (scary to to think!) but it's been a blast so far.
John Ray and my friend Hannah Doak |
Praying during the baptism |
The week of November 5th-9th was the
topic of our Identity in Christ, and our speaker was John Ray, who is a truly
amazing man of God and a great speaker. It was definitely one of my favorite
weeks. I received so much revelation, got severely challenged by John, and
received a new list of books to read! It was also super special because on
Wednesday we drove an hour and a half away to a tiny beach town called Jaco, on
the Pacific Coast. We had class at the beach, communion, and then six of us (me
included!) got baptized in the ocean. It was a beautiful day of much needed
sun, hanging out, talking, swimming, major sunburn and a lesson of boogie
boarding for me!
The six of us who got baptized |
The next week, November 12th-16th, was
on the topic of Godly Relationships (not just dating, but with friends, parents
as well). Our speaker was Elaine Allegretto, who comes from Texas. It was also
a good week for learning new concepts, and to have some teaching on a subject
that doesn’t get taught on much. It opened my eyes to how much value we have as
humans, and how we need to respect the opposite gender and honor our
For our local outreach on Thursday of that week, we headed
to the University of Costa Rica to talk with students and get a feel for the
spiritual situation they were in. It was intimidating at first to walk up to
somebody we didn’t know, and to try and talk in a different language, but it was
so cool too! Students are really open to talking and meeting new people. It’s
such a different culture than North America, where students are fairly closed
off, and you’re considered strange if you talk to somebody you don’t know. On
top of everything, I have multiple friends who attend UCR who did an exchange
program to Canada this past summer in July for two weeks, so I got to meet up
with them which was fun.
At my friend Gabi's house with Grace, Esteban and Hannah |
The next week was Biblical Worldview (November 19th-23rd)
taught by Giacomo Coghi, who happened to pioneer this base with his wife, Mar.
They’re still the leaders of this base, so we see them around a bit but we hadn’t
gotten to know Giacomo much until that week. Every week is good, and this one
was no exception. The biggest thing I got out of that week was that with God it
is possible to plan for the future! God has put desires and dreams in our
hearts and if we plan alongside God, we can know what we want to do in ten
years. We can’t know exactly what we’ll be doing, down to the little details,
but He can give you a vision and confirmation. That was comforting for me
because it’s hard for me to live literally day by day (which God does ask us to
do), but He also wants us to ask Him about our future!
Besides classes, a lot has been going around here! We’re now
in full preparation mode for outreach. I made the decision to go to Brazil for
my outreach two weeks ago. It was quite the lengthy process of prayer for me! I
felt called to both locations really (Brazil and Central America), and in the
end God told me He wanted me to choose. So I did! I’ll get to experience
another new culture, which will be awesome! Our plan is to be in Rio de Jeniero
for five weeks doing ministry in the favelas (Brazilian slums), helping out at local
churches, doing street ministry, and doing whatever we’re called to do to serve
God! We’re doing a lot of prayer and intercession for the big things God wants
us to do while we’re there, but a big part of prayer is for finances. Our team
needs $50 000 for the trip, and right now we have around $20 000. So we still
have fundraising to do! We’re totally trusting in God for the money to come
through, and we’ve all decided that any ‘what ifs’ or doubts are not allowed!
We’ve all been called to Brazil and that’s where we’re going!
Other things that have been going on around the base…we had
American Thanksgiving last week which was a blast! Four girls from my DTS (me
included) volunteered to help cook the feast for 130 people. Some staff started
prepping the day before, and then at 1pm the day of, the cooking began! In the
end, it was an amazing time of food, friends, and conversation. It really
helped a lot of us from North America feel like we were at home, and it gave
the locals a new meal to try.
Alex (Portland, Oregon), Kayla (Alberta, Canada), and I |
The other weekend we also had a base soccer tournament on
Sunday after church. It cost 1000 colones (two dollars) to enter, and different
teams played against each other and were eliminated until eventually one team
won. It was another good day of hanging out with everybody on base.
Some serious soccer playing going on! |
A huge surprise I got this past weekend was a visit from my
parents! My dad had to go to Lima, Peru for business so my mom and him thought
they’d stop over. I had a wonderful weekend of visiting different parts of
Costa Rica; the mountains and the beach, eating amazing food, and spending some
quality time with my parents. They are incredible and I feel so blessed to have
them in my life!
Anyways, that’s about the gist of what’s been going on
around here. If you could just pray for the two outreach teams; for finances,
and for unity that would be much appreciated! Thanks for reading!
My DTS all together |
Philippians 4:4-9
Loved the post, again! Thanks for all the pictures. Can't believe how fast lecture phase has seemed to pass! Enjoy the last few weeks before outreach!